For Teachers


Click the links below to access the film for classroom use, download our educational resource guide, and visit the PBS Learning Media site to stream short clips from the film presented with accompanying classroom activities. For more information about the film email us at

My Survivor is an ideal film to begin an informed dialogue about history, the power and strength of the individual, current events, and personal responsibility. It is recommended for middle school aged students and older, and can be used with young adult and adult audiences alike. This film, when used with the accompanying discussion guide, provides an opportunity for families, classroom educators, and community organizers to explore many important issues, including history, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, anti-bias education, intergenerational communication, genocide education, and diversity education. Particularly for educators, the film, and the classroom activities that are contained in the guide, also fits into a number of traditional subject areas, including civics, world history, art, media studies and media literacy, language arts, world cultures, and social studies, just to name a few.